STEP Schools

What is Modern Learning?

Modern Learning is a part of modern education. It is being practiced throughout the world, in school, colleges and higher education departments. In Pakistan, STEP Schools is also offering the 21st century education and hence practicing the modern learning techniques effectively.  This blogpost will explore how STEP Schools offers the modern learning in Pakistan. 

Introduction to Modern Education 

Modern education is a prominent part of 21st-century education. In a nutshell, 21st-century learning is all about providing a student-centric education to students. This modern education plan focuses the development of futuristic skills in students.  

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Characteristics of Modern Education 

Like any methodology, the modern education methodology has its characteristics. In the following text, we are going to elaborate these briefly.  

Active Learning 

In traditional education, there is one-sided education. Teachers deliver lectures and students listen to them. Though, they get a chance to ask questions and to clear the confusions and misconceptions.  

However, in active learning, students are encouraged to become an active part of the classroom and learning environment. Hence, regular, active and communicative sessions are a compulsory part of modern education.  


This skill is also known as teamwork. In modern education, students are actively taught about working together and to work above the differences. In human interactions, there are massive chances of conflict or disagreement, hence, we cannot work effectively without working beyond the differences.  

Therefore, keeping in view the modern needs the 21st century learning includes the skill of collaboration.  

Critical Thinking 

The world and environment, we live in today is complex and we face problems like never before nearly on daily basis. Therefore, it is important to develop the ability to think out of the box, to look for options which are hidden somewhere and are not visible.  

For this, modern education purposely includes the critical thinking skills for 21st century skills development.  

Student-Centered Approach to Education 

In addition to learning, modern education also focuses on the students’ needs. While focusing on quality and future-oriented skills, modern education also addresses the needs of students.  

Focus on Individual Strength 

Every child is blessed with some natural talents and gifts. However, in traditional mode of education, the chances of polishing those talents and skills shrink.  While, in the modern era, 21st-century skills focus on modern learning and individual strengths to focus.  

Modern Learning Environments 

The modern learning environment is a classroom that is more interactive, innovative and connected. Such learning environments have also the audio video learning aids and connected devices.  

Elements of Modern Learning

Techniques of Modern Education in STEP Schools 

STEP Schools is a private school system that is a proud part of the largest private education network of the Pakistan-Punjab group. STEP Schools offer a 21st-century learning opportunity through well-followed techniques of modern education.  

Some of the modern education techniques followed at STEP School are mentioned below.  

STEAM Education 

With the integration of STEAM focused education, students get a massive chance to study and look deep into the versatile basics of Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics. From here, they can understand their unique interest patterns.  

At STEP Schools, we introduce our 1 class student to the world of robotics through knowledge in a way that is understandable for them. In class 3, they even get a chance to practically experience what robot can do and if they have an interest there.  

Project Based Learning (PBL) 

Secondly, STEP Schools offers a project-based learning (PBL) as a promising technique to get an effective modern education. There are diverse and numerous benefits and advantages of project-based learning.  

Ed-Tech Inclusion  

Education Technology (ed tech) is the prominent part of modern education. The students at STEP Schools will get a chance to learn through the audio and visual aiding techniques.  

Want to learn more about ed-tech at STEP Schools? Get more on Education-Technology n more about ed-tech at STEP Schools? Get Edu 

Robust Focus on 6Cs 

You may have seen 4Cs, STEP Schools robustly focus on 6Cs. The 6Cs at STEP Schools are as follows.  

  1. Critical Thinking 
  2. Creativity 
  3. Collaboration 
  4. Communication  
  5. Community Service 
  6. Character Development 

You can read more about these on STEP Schools Blog.  

Get Your Child Enrolled Today 

STEP Schools is an active provider of 21st century skills and modern learning. Hence, you can get your child future-ready for the challenges of tomorrow.  School admissions 2024 for Fall 2024 are open and you can apply through online admission portal.  

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