At STEPSchools, students learn to collaborate and work in teams. Teachers conduct team building exercises to help them become flexible and learn how to make necessary compromises for a common goal. Teachers facilitate their success by getting them to work in groups and pairs on project-based activities
Effective communication is a 21st century skill that teachers are trained to instill in all students. Students are taught and encouraged to use active listening and speaking strategies during class discussions. Special emphasis is laid on storytelling and use of communication for a range of purposes like informing, instructing, motivating and leading.
Innovation is encouraged at STEPSchools. Teachers work with students to help them develop new ideas. They are taught to evaluate, analyze and refine these ideas and then communicate them to others. STEPSchool students learn to view failure as an opportunity to learn and succeed.
Critical Thinking
Teachers are trained to instill critical thinking and problem solving skills in students of all ages. Students learn to analyze and evaluate evidence, and formulate perspective. They are taught inductive and deductive reasoning and are encouraged to use a variety of problem solving techniques.